Reflections on Episode 2 & 3
I wanted to write down some of my thoughts as I reflect on my conversation with Shabazz L Graham regarding race (listen here). A couple of days out a few things have occurred to me about the 2.5hrs we spent on just three questions in this area.
Firstly, that it was a true and honest discussion without the need to “Fix everything”
I commented to Shabazz on the phone the next day that one of the things that was so great about it was that we had both stated our experiences without a desire of need to reach some particular place or other deemed by our culture. Take my part for instance, I admitted past and current racist aspects of my life and upbringing, talked about my unconscious bias and my inability to relate to so much of this conversation. All the time without the need to prostrate myself before the culture and apologise for my white privilege. We were just two friends with different skin tones talking about our lives and working through the times we have lived in up to this point. The death of nuance in our media is beginning to crossover into its death in the real world. (I guess if you get killed in the Matrix you die in the real world too). When was the last time you were presented by two people wading into this arena, doing battle, yet both coming out alive, and yet you were still entertained?
Secondly, I am changed as a result of our time together.
So much of what Shabazz had to say has helped be understand what was previously unobtainable for me from the evidence of my life. We talked about how much of this is a mind virus, an imperceivable parasite that if left undiagnosed can lead to some very dark places. Not all of our thoughts on this subject emanate from us, there are enemies in the camp. Enemies which must be located, called out and expelled from our thoughts. Having known Shabazz for 8/9yrs, I know him better for taking time to really listen, and I hope it is the same result for him.
If I might offer you some homework, why not sit down with a friend of yours. Name the time, give it a title, and discuss with white hot honestly and even hotter empathy, exactly where you are.
I believe that would do us all a great good.